Thursday, June 23, 2005


"My total time is about 6 hours. I copied over the structures with a pencil, added the costumes and inked the drawing with UNI pens (0.5 and 0.1 tips)"

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monsanto said...


Very well done. I like the way you did the characters. I can imagine you finishing the outline in pencils and went on ahead with inking the piece. I think the choice of pen tips is biggest error here. I suggest you stop using the 0.1 tips.

Although it does create a big deal of texture and shadow, it also made your work look a bit rough and dirty. Cleanliness plays a big role in producing a more professional look to most artwork. Also, try to gradually distribute light to your work. I seem to see random light sources that give an unorganized visual. Too many spots to look at can make your eyes tired. The easier it is on the eyes, the more it will be perceived as beautiful.

The main concern now is for you to master the way you lay down your shadows. Hopefully this will guide you to improve your future work.


insane_orange said...

Hey, Cool. It's Kyle.

Anyway, I like the overall style... The shading seems a bit overdone though. IMO, you tried to add texture just a liiittle too much.